This course has as main objective to equip students with useful and basic linguistic skills to face the challenges of the university world and to prepare for the TOEIC exam ahead. As a matter-of-fact, this course will help students to read and write notes, scientific pieces of work, books, articles, and to communication easily both at national and international levels. It will also equip them with adequate knowledge to tackle examination papers, given the official bilingual status of ISTAMA/INUBIL.
To this effect, students are urged to regularly attend classes, read their notes, do their assignments and more importantly ask questions during classes to know more about the other official language of our country. It is worth noting that the 100 hours allocated to the course CP I shall be organised between lectures (cours magistral), speaking and listening sessions, videos, tutorials (TD), student’s personal work (TPE), Continuous assessment (CC) and its correction.
- Teacher: WOUAGUE Alain
- Teacher: Cellule Informatique