- A photocopy of the birth certificate dated less than three months and signed by an administrative or municipal authority;
- A photocopy of the diploma giving the right to the competition; candidates who apply subject to the required diploma are exempt from this diploma
- A photocopy of GCE/AL Science transcripts as appropriate for level 1 candidates
- A photocopy of the HND, DUT/DEUG, Scientific or Technical and Industrial BACHELOR for level 3 candidates
- A medical certificate dated less than three months and issued by a doctor from the public administration
- Four (4) 4 x 4 passport photos with first and last names on the back
where to deposit your documents:
- Douala : communication service of istama sable
Bonaberi or Akwa campus
- Yaoundé/Bafoussam/Dschang : to ISTAMA representative agents or scan and send online to the address istama@istamacameroon.com
Yaounde /Bafoussam
10,000frs CFA representing entrance fee for level 1 candidates
15,000frs CFA representing entrance fee for level 3 candidates